Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What's Pinky Doing for National Pink Day?

I’m not sure how National Pink Day got me, I have to admit that I just found out about it from a Google Alert. According to my research, there isn’t any official recording of the day but is one that is quickly catching on. So, what is one suppose to do on National Pink Day? Do everything PINK! Wear pink clothes, make and eat pink food such as pink lemonade and cupcakes, use anything pink and of course, put on your pink attitude today. It doesn’t get any better than this…an entire day of pink, how lucky are we???

National Pink Day even caught Pinky off guard. I would’ve thought we could’ve relied on her to give us a heads up on the day. So, I asked her what she will be doing today and here is what she said: “Doing what I do every day…promoting the color pink and what it means too many of us and those we love, reminding us how we can live a more ‘pink’ life by taking time for ourselves so we don’t get lost in the hustle and bustle of the day and of course spending time with our girl friends, the gifts we give ourselves”.

Wow, thanks for that insight Pinky, giving us yet another way to spend PINK Day. While there may not be any official past time for National Pink Day, Pinky and I will be wearing our pink today, eating pink foods (of course on Celebrate In Pink plates), looking for all that is pink and remembering to make time for ourselves and those we love.

How will you PINK today? Please share your ‘PINK’ with us, yet another way to celebrate the day...

Kathy & Pinky

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