Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Gratitude Wednesdays - Making Connections

Today we’re going to give thanks for the many special people we all have in our lives. Oftentimes we take them for granted and assume they will always be there for us. How many times have we put off calling a friend because we didn’t have time? How often do we say to ourselves that we need to get in touch with “Annie” and catch up? Where does the time go? Before we know it, several months have passed us by and we haven’t made the connection.

The ironic thing is this…most of the things that keep us from connecting with our loved ones will always be there. Whether it’s the yard work, a project, the housework, you get the idea, it’s not going anywhere…unfortunately our friends and family won’t always be there. Too often we hear stories about finding the time to call “Annie” and all of a sudden one day we no longer have to fret about it as “Annie” is no longer with us.

Don’t wait for your “Annie” to check out without talking to you first. You have the power to place that call and make that connection. Studies show that people who maintain connections with others are happier. Add friends to your gratitude circle each day and take the time to keep in touch, it’s good for health and friendship.

How’s your gratitude attitude today?

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